Book Review: How the Penguins Saved Veronica by Hazel Prior

A heartwarming story about a woman nearing the end of her life, seeking purpose as well as legacy. Veronica finds herself in Antarctica with a friend, one of her first in fact, a grandson she only recently learned existed, and a penguin pet. From a prickly exterior that even readers feel adverse towards, Veronica transformsContinue reading “Book Review: How the Penguins Saved Veronica by Hazel Prior”

Book Review: Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon

Follow Naomi and her family on their journey west via covered wagon and the Oregon trail. A theme that maintains constant throughout this book is: Open your eyes. Naomi falls in love and finds herself a widow at only 20 years old. Will she find love again? Will she make it out west in spiteContinue reading “Book Review: Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon”

Book Review: The Herd by Andrea Bartz

When one of their best friends goes missing her friends are left picking up the pieces of her business and life, while trying to understand where their powerful and beautiful friend has gone. This mystery keeps the audience guessing the whole way through, and an ending that brings surprise if not complete shock. There isContinue reading “Book Review: The Herd by Andrea Bartz”

Book Review: The Last Piece by Imogen Clark

“They had no idea how strong she could be.” Imogen Clark This is the quote pulled and chosen to accompany the Once Upon a Book Club July 2020 box. Read within twenty-four hours, this book still feels unfinished in spite of the conclusion. Following Cecily as she revisits and explores the secrets of her past,Continue reading “Book Review: The Last Piece by Imogen Clark”

Book Review: No One’s Home by D.M. Pulley

This was a wonderful thriller touching on elements of paranormal without abandoning you in the world of fantasy. Pulley manages to capture your attention from beginning to end following the lives of four families through the history of one home and allowing us to piece together an explanation for some present activities. Following all fourContinue reading “Book Review: No One’s Home by D.M. Pulley”

Book Review: Remembrance by Rita Woods

I am not one for young adult reading, and this book treads the line on that genre. Received as part of the Once Upon a Book Club February 2020 box, I complied with the club rules and read diligently stopping only on the designated pages to open the gifts that coincided with the story. TheContinue reading “Book Review: Remembrance by Rita Woods”

Book Review: A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline

This story is based on Andrew Wyeth’s painting “Christina’s World”. Christina was a real-life woman that became Andrew Wyeth’s thirty year muse as he visited her again and studied her world. In this fictionalized memoir in Christina’s perspective, her disability (true) and family history of descendants from the Salem witch trials ensures her world willContinue reading “Book Review: A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline”

Book Review: The Last Letter from Juliet by Melanie Hudson

A feature of the Once Upon a Book Club February 2020 box, this book is guaranteed to leave all readers in a flux of emotion as we laugh and cry all at the same time. Truly heartwarming and uplifting, this story is one you will want to pass on to your dearest of friends asContinue reading “Book Review: The Last Letter from Juliet by Melanie Hudson”

Book Review: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

This romantic tragedy (once a banned book) tells a story in the third person via housemaid. The story of love and loss, cruelty, revenge, and returning to love we are taken on an unpredictable winding path of dissonance. Human behavior shines under the pressure of absurdity and depravity so unbelievable that we are forced toContinue reading “Book Review: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte”

Book Review: Love and Other Consolation Prizes by Jamie Ford

This book was included as part of the Advent Box presented by Once Upon a Book Club in 2019. Set in 1962, Ernest Young splits his narrative between the present and 1902 he was brought to Seattle as a young boy. Coming from China during a time of famine, completely alone and eventually auctioned toContinue reading “Book Review: Love and Other Consolation Prizes by Jamie Ford”