Awkward Amputee Problems (Part 3, Prosthetics)

This is the final piece, part 3 (Part 1, Part 2), in a series describing Awkward Amputee Problems.  The first two articles are geared more for those on crutches while part 3 is customized for prosthetic-wearing amputees. I hope that you can either a) relate to this article as an amputee and leave your storiesContinue reading “Awkward Amputee Problems (Part 3, Prosthetics)”

Paste that Pad in!

Paste that Pad in! When someone is getting a new prosthetic device customized (especially at a hip-level) there are a few weeks of trial and error where the patient wears the new leg out and about while taking notes about any discomfort. As time goes on the prosthetist may stick a pad in here orContinue reading “Paste that Pad in!”