Public Whispers, Relations, and Funerals

*This article is not an attempt to disrespect, dishonor, or otherwise offend the loved ones of deceased, or the deceased. This is strictly a story of humor. I believe that as believers there is life with and through Jesus Christ and that allows me the strength to look objectively at an event that I doContinue reading “Public Whispers, Relations, and Funerals”

Awkward Amputee Problems (Part 3, Prosthetics)

This is the final piece, part 3 (Part 1, Part 2), in a series describing Awkward Amputee Problems.  The first two articles are geared more for those on crutches while part 3 is customized for prosthetic-wearing amputees. I hope that you can either a) relate to this article as an amputee and leave your storiesContinue reading “Awkward Amputee Problems (Part 3, Prosthetics)”

Stranger-Neighbors, A collection of stories

My husband and I have a friend that recently moved into an apartment complex. He presented several unique (and hilarious) stories about his neighbors that started turning my wheels. I grew up on a back road with farmland so there was not close proximity for strange and unusual neighbor encounters. There were some neighbor kidsContinue reading “Stranger-Neighbors, A collection of stories”

Amputee Stories from the Gym

Since I began exercising at the YMCA nearly a year ago I have gathered many stories and interesting moments along the way there.  When you have one leg and are new to a place you quickly become a superstar and everyone learns your name…or at least that you are the “girl with one leg”.  ItContinue reading “Amputee Stories from the Gym”

Crutchprints in the Sand’s New Leg

Hello dear friends and followers! It may seem as if I have simply dropped off the face of the earth (or internet) as of late. In reality my new leg has been quite a journey for me and one full of ups and downs! Back in July I received my newest leg which costs overContinue reading “Crutchprints in the Sand’s New Leg”

Explosive Alert!

One of the things I hope to do on this site is smile about some of the things that have happened to me and are unique to my situation as an amputee. My husband and I were in the Philadelphia airport en-route to Seattle.  Now anyone familiar with prosthetics would be well aware that airportContinue reading “Explosive Alert!”