The Best You’ll Ever Have – In Crutches

In 2005 it was decided that I would be thereafter limited to using crutches for most mobility and function. I was referred by a fellow amputee friend to check out Thomas Fetterman’s crutches, and several prosthetists confirmed they were the best that money could buy. My mom helped measure me for a custom fit ofContinue reading “The Best You’ll Ever Have – In Crutches”

I Ain’t Got a Leg to Stand on…

I Ain’t Got a Leg to Stand on… If you have followed my blog for any amount of time you know the struggle with my leg.  Not my real one, my fake one.  I truly do not even understand how something that isn’t even real can constantly send you such unhealthy vibes.  First I haveContinue reading “I Ain’t Got a Leg to Stand on…”

Friends First

Friends First – Miracles Second Through many years as a Christian I have heard the story of Lazarus in many sermons.  It seems to be a universal bible story that most people, however unfamiliar with the bible, are at least faintly acquainted with.  Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.  That was a great thing.  ItContinue reading “Friends First”

Paste that Pad in!

Paste that Pad in! When someone is getting a new prosthetic device customized (especially at a hip-level) there are a few weeks of trial and error where the patient wears the new leg out and about while taking notes about any discomfort. As time goes on the prosthetist may stick a pad in here orContinue reading “Paste that Pad in!”

Jehovah Jireh – Jesus Carries

Jehovah Jireh – Jesus Carries “Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham called the name of the place, ‘The-Lord-Will-Provide;’ asContinue reading “Jehovah Jireh – Jesus Carries”

Shaking and Strenghtening of 2014

God has known from the very beginning what this journey would be for me. And so much has changed this year. It has been a year of shaking just as He promised.

A New Leg of My Journey

A New Leg of My Journey Twenty five years ago chemotherapy looked so very different than it does now. This was before nausea medicine, before steroid injections, before platelet shots.  Back then most blood transfusions were not scanned for HIV and most drugs were experimental. Treatment with chemo often took a patient to the brinkContinue reading “A New Leg of My Journey”

Is Walking a Right?

~I wrote this poem today.  I had driven two hours to see my prosthetic provider and was a little early.  As I sat in the car dreading the moment of walking in and going through the emotional trauma yet again this came pouring out of me onto the paper I managed to gather from aroundContinue reading “Is Walking a Right?”

A Box of Left Shoes?

Last year we had a fire in the apartment next to us.  The fire didn’t come through the wall but we did lose a lot of things to smoke damage.  When the fire restoration girls came through they were going to pack up all of our belongings and take them for treatment.  After they wereContinue reading “A Box of Left Shoes?”