Disabling the Disabled?

I used to travel a bit with the Amputee Coalition of America to various conferences nationwide.  The amputee kids of all ages and disabilities would get together on these trips and bunk out in hotel rooms assigned and organized by the ACA committee.  Activities would be planned for the entire three or four day eventContinue reading “Disabling the Disabled?”

You know you are an amputee when…

Being an amputee I feel that humor is such an important part of life!  None of these things are to “make fun” of or insult other amputee/handicap people but rather are things that at one point or another I have come across in my own experience and thoughts.  Enjoy a smile today! You know youContinue reading “You know you are an amputee when…”

Explosive Alert!

One of the things I hope to do on this site is smile about some of the things that have happened to me and are unique to my situation as an amputee. My husband and I were in the Philadelphia airport en-route to Seattle.  Now anyone familiar with prosthetics would be well aware that airportContinue reading “Explosive Alert!”