Awkward Amputee Problems (Part 3, Prosthetics)

This is the final piece, part 3 (Part 1, Part 2), in a series describing Awkward Amputee Problems.  The first two articles are geared more for those on crutches while part 3 is customized for prosthetic-wearing amputees. I hope that you can either a) relate to this article as an amputee and leave your storiesContinue reading “Awkward Amputee Problems (Part 3, Prosthetics)”

Things Amputees DO NOT Worry About

This will be another Amputee Humor article for my peers.  Some people really do have a hard time with these articles assuming that they are self-deprecating or a reflection of a deeper depression. Honestly, it is neither. It is simply forming a camaraderie with fellow amputees to give a shout out that they are notContinue reading “Things Amputees DO NOT Worry About”