Amputee Stories from the Gym

Since I began exercising at the YMCA nearly a year ago I have gathered many stories and interesting moments along the way there.  When you have one leg and are new to a place you quickly become a superstar and everyone learns your name…or at least that you are the “girl with one leg”.  ItContinue reading “Amputee Stories from the Gym”

Prayer WORKS. Restoration is REAL because GRACE has NO LIMITS

Prayer WORKS. Restoration is REAL because GRACE has NO LIMITS After a year and a half of working with a local prosthetic provider, insurance spending $53,000, and over seventy appointments back and forth with no promise of a finished leg  I finally decided to cut my losses and move on. I had felt trapped inContinue reading “Prayer WORKS. Restoration is REAL because GRACE has NO LIMITS”

Crutchprints During the Casting Process

Hello to all of my followers! I wanted to share this link with you to give you a bit of a peek behind closed doors at my doctor appointments.  This was taken back in October and it was during the time I was working with Jay Martin, Independence P&O, and BADER at University of Delaware.Continue reading “Crutchprints During the Casting Process”