Reframing: Social Interaction is a Need

As I scroll through social media posts and hear stories of various emotional responses to the Covid-19 Quarantine, I have been surprised to be confronted with an aspect of isolation I had not considered. It never occurred to me that limiting social contact would have a profound effect on so many. Even with the presenceContinue reading “Reframing: Social Interaction is a Need”

Is Walking a Right?

~I wrote this poem today.  I had driven two hours to see my prosthetic provider and was a little early.  As I sat in the car dreading the moment of walking in and going through the emotional trauma yet again this came pouring out of me onto the paper I managed to gather from aroundContinue reading “Is Walking a Right?”

Journey of Encountering

Daughter of John C. Duncan, III and Sandy L. Duncan, I was raised on the truth and treasures imparted by Little Britain Presbyterian Church (about half a mile from my home as a child).  When I was 4 years old I fell on the preschool playground and hit my knee.  After two weeks of painContinue reading “Journey of Encountering”