(Severe) Sepsis and (Soulful) Sentiments

“Jesus, if this is my time, I’m ready. You’ve blessed me with years beyond cancer and expected death. You’ve given me family that loves me, friends that care about me, and experiences of travel that have been so dear to my heart. I do not have regrets, and I feel that I have done theContinue reading “(Severe) Sepsis and (Soulful) Sentiments”

From Victim to Victor

I have been thinking a lot lately about what separates those who succeed and live full/happy lives straight to the end from those that seem stuck in a circle of sabotage and bad luck for the rest of their lives.  This discussion was provoked by my husband’s new job. In it, he works with manyContinue reading “From Victim to Victor”

Snowy Wonder

There is no feeling quite as this Of cozy and warmth, feelings of bliss The snow that tumbles in each snowflake As in my kitchen I long to bake The earth is quiet in expectation As snow blankets this part of the nation I stand face up and full of worship As praise pours forthContinue reading “Snowy Wonder”

I Ain’t Got a Leg to Stand on…

I Ain’t Got a Leg to Stand on… If you have followed my blog for any amount of time you know the struggle with my leg.  Not my real one, my fake one.  I truly do not even understand how something that isn’t even real can constantly send you such unhealthy vibes.  First I haveContinue reading “I Ain’t Got a Leg to Stand on…”

Staying Shadowed

  Rick and I lead a small group with church every few weeks as a way to get in the Word and connect in life-giving relationships.  We have been using a technique called “Lectio Devina”(Latin for Divine Reading) which was introduced to me by our Pastor, Mervin Charles.  Graham Cooke describes this as “…an ancientContinue reading “Staying Shadowed”

5 Simple Ways to Increase Joy in Your Life

5 Simple Ways to Increase Joy in Your Life  “…to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn …to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.”Continue reading “5 Simple Ways to Increase Joy in Your Life”

Jehovah Jireh – Jesus Carries

Jehovah Jireh – Jesus Carries “Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham called the name of the place, ‘The-Lord-Will-Provide;’ asContinue reading “Jehovah Jireh – Jesus Carries”

My Road to Receiving

My Road to Receiving “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” James 1:17   “Well what do you think, little lady?” our friend Jeff asked as he dusted off his hands and prepared to hopContinue reading “My Road to Receiving”

Why I Traded Candy Crushing for Embroidery

Why I traded Candy Crushing for Embroidery We all do it. We have some way of allowing ourselves to morph into zombies most evenings after long days of running, working, cooking, cleaning, and/or tending to the needs and demands of our families and friends. Sometimes I sit in front of Netflix for an hour orContinue reading “Why I Traded Candy Crushing for Embroidery”

A New Leg of My Journey

A New Leg of My Journey Twenty five years ago chemotherapy looked so very different than it does now. This was before nausea medicine, before steroid injections, before platelet shots.  Back then most blood transfusions were not scanned for HIV and most drugs were experimental. Treatment with chemo often took a patient to the brinkContinue reading “A New Leg of My Journey”