Your Last 24

Featured in the Chester County Press and on my recent book review of Kendall Keeler’s debut I was blessed to have a conversation with the author himself. Kendall agreed to sit down with all of us here on Crutchprints in the Sand and talk a little more about the first book in his Legacy JournalContinue reading “Your Last 24”

From the Ground Up

I was challenged in February to think creatively about my personal journey and capture that in a selfie. I’m not a very abstract thinker but a few days before the deadline, I walked out my front door and right in front of me was the most starkly green, out of place, ugly weed I’ve everContinue reading “From the Ground Up”

Crash Course at the Ash House

I had every intention of starting to share some of the hilarious moments that we have had as a family since my last post.  But life had another idea.  Trauma reared its ugly head within our home in a way that has broken all of our hearts in an immense way.  We found there wasContinue reading “Crash Course at the Ash House”

Pro-Parenting: Amputee Style

Well, it is official: we are licensed professional parents!  After several grueling months of paperwork, home studies, inspections, writing ten page autobiographies, trainings, and a water test (yes, really!), we received our license in the mail that we are approved Foster/Resource parents and are on the list to receive our first placement child. For someContinue reading “Pro-Parenting: Amputee Style”

I Ain’t Got a Leg to Stand on…

I Ain’t Got a Leg to Stand on… If you have followed my blog for any amount of time you know the struggle with my leg.  Not my real one, my fake one.  I truly do not even understand how something that isn’t even real can constantly send you such unhealthy vibes.  First I haveContinue reading “I Ain’t Got a Leg to Stand on…”

Why I Traded Candy Crushing for Embroidery – 1 Year Later (Update)

Why I Traded Candy Crushing for Embroidery – 1 Year Later (Update) Many of you remember my previous article on this subject.  The update here is based on the original article which you can find by clicking here.  It has been a full year since I decided to give up computer games and Facebook games.Continue reading “Why I Traded Candy Crushing for Embroidery – 1 Year Later (Update)”

Shaking and Strenghtening of 2014

God has known from the very beginning what this journey would be for me. And so much has changed this year. It has been a year of shaking just as He promised.

Waiting in Wonder

Waiting in Wonder I love to inspire others and reach out to help others. I have always wanted to share my experiences and to bless the people around me. Back in January 2013 I began praying about my purpose in life and asking God to give me direction in regards to this question. I recordedContinue reading “Waiting in Wonder”

A New Leg of My Journey

A New Leg of My Journey Twenty five years ago chemotherapy looked so very different than it does now. This was before nausea medicine, before steroid injections, before platelet shots.  Back then most blood transfusions were not scanned for HIV and most drugs were experimental. Treatment with chemo often took a patient to the brinkContinue reading “A New Leg of My Journey”

Heavenly Mindset in an Earthly Realm

At the beginning of the year I wrote in my journal something that I felt the Lord was revealing to me about my personal life this year.  I wrote:  “This is the year for shaking.  2013 was a year for growing roots but 2014 is shaking and strengthening these roots….Your roots are not complete yet! Continue reading “Heavenly Mindset in an Earthly Realm”